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DC:Led Zepplin。ちょうどスケジュールもあいてるんじゃないかなー・・・・。

DC:Will Smith。コメディ路線で。 (見たい・・・) Benは?Benはどうよ?



DC:Leslie Ray, Burn Halo,Johnny Hates Jazz single“Shattered Dreams... 
この中の曲をカバーするそうです。(たぶんBurn haloだと思うのですが・・・わかんないです)

※Burn haloは、ニールが関わったプロジェクトですね。アンディもちょくちょくライブでTシャツ着てるやつです。
4月にニールがギターで参加したアルバムが発売されたはず。聞いてみました? (お前が聞け)ギク



DC:コロコロかわるけど、今はReese's crispy crunchy bar。とけやすいから何とかしてほしいらしい(笑)。

私もすごいスキなんですよー・・・。アイスは食べたことないけど。 ←つか存在しませんから(苦笑)

Joeyはイカシタ演奏を披露したから。(ここの原文はこれです。Joey really showed he could roll with the punches.) エセ訳したんですが、これが彼の演奏技術のことを言ってるのか、冗談のテクニックを言ってるのかわからなかったので・・いや、まさか冗談のテクニックじゃないですよね、うん。でも一応。


DC:デュブリン自身の寝床。一緒に寝たらiPodを食べられた。 ププッ ( ̄m ̄*)

Q.次のPork Beansはいつアップ?

Q.ニールはPork Beansで主演するのか?
DC:ニールは謎だらけで、秘密に包まれてて、泥沼の中にもぐりこんだようなヤツだから、やらないんじゃないかな、って。 (やらなそ・・・)



1. PLS send me DM about how you like the interview so i can show my editor an maybe we can do this again!!!!!!4 minutes ago from web
2. @kellynic omg!!!! what did u find out?6 minutes ago from web in reply to kellynic
3. that's all folks, gtg get ready for show, tweet you soon. DM me and let me know how you like the interview, i want 2 know what u think!!!7 minutes ago from web
4. DC: "Neil is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, dipped in a quagmire, he is of a different breed. I don’t know if he will ever.”7 minutes ago from web
5. DC: "Another episode will be up in the next few weeks...."7 minutes ago from web
6. Q: When will we see another installment of Pork Beans and will Neal ever star in one?8 minutes ago from web
7. LAST QUESTION!8 minutes ago from web
8. DC: “Yes and then some without question.”10 minutes ago from web
9. (He replaced the ipod, people, don't worry)10 minutes ago from web
10. Q: Has professional life been everything you hoped, were the oppo
unities greater then you expected.11 minutes ago from web
11. DC: "He gets along with everyone, which is a problem, because he’s supposed to be a scary guard dog but he’s not very good at it.”11 minutes ago from web
12. DC: "He’s good, a fantastic little monster. He sleeps in his crate because when he slept in my bunk he ate my iPod."12 minutes ago from web
13. Q: Does your puppy Dublin sleep with you or in a crate? Is he good on the bus? Does he like everyone in the band?13 minutes ago from web
14. DC: "I’m going domestic, I’m going to put together a home in the MidWest.”14 minutes ago from web
15. Q: What are your plans for your upcoming vacation?14 minutes ago from web
16. DC: “The song isn’t about one girl its kinda about every ex I ever had, you know?”15 minutes ago from web
17. Q: What is the song I Did It For You about? Who is the you and what were those promises you shouldn’t have made?16 minutes ago from web
18. DC: "Something that isn’t also the name of a tanning place in Alaska that will want to sue us for stealing their name.”17 minutes ago from web
19. DC: “Soon, we’re waffling and tripping over ourselves. We just want to pick something so that we don’t have to rename ourselves..."17 minutes ago from web
20. Q: When will we know the band name?19 minutes ago from web
21. okay, final 6 questions.....21 minutes ago from web
22. DC: "...Nobody expects to win, so at first we laughed it off. But now they have a job form it so no more laughing!”21 minutes ago from web
23. DC: "They didn’t know until after it all happened because it all happened so fast. We didn’t expect me to win, I mean..."21 minutes ago from web
24. Q: What did Neal and Andy say when you told them you were going to be a contestant and then when you made the cut?22 minutes ago from web
25. “At the end of the show we brought Archie back on the set and the entire audience of 150,000 people sang along with us, it was powerful.”23 minutes ago from web
26. Q: What is your most memorable moment from your trip to Manila?25 minutes ago from web
27. DC: "So he got the job. And Joey really showed he could roll with the punches.”25 minutes ago from web
28. DC: "We went through the usual audition process then we all went out to lunch and Kyle sta
ed to make fun of right away."26 minutes ago from web
29. DC: “It was the hang factor."26 minutes ago from web
30. Q: You played with Andy and Neal before idol, what made you pick Joey and Kyle?26 minutes ago from web
31. yes!26 minutes ago from web
32. r we back?26 minutes ago from web
33. The dress i plan on wearing, gold, miu miu, with gold gladitor sandels and brown loeffler randal bag http://twitgoo.com/7i1527 minutes ago from twitgoo
34. but what am i going to wear???43 minutes ago from web
35. show isn't until 8 pm as soon as i am done with questions i will get dressed and run over!44 minutes ago from web
36. we have 1.5 pages to go, phew, this is exhausting...about 1 hour ago from web
37. @xsethsownstarx me tooabout 1 hour ago from web in reply to xsethsownstarx
38. “It changes all the time but right now that new Reeces crispy crunchy bar, but it melts to easily, maybe they could work on that.”about 1 hour ago from web
39. Q: Favorite candy bar?about 1 hour ago from web
40. “5 – two on my chest, an eye on my [right] wrist, a new one on my right a
and the AC on my left.”about 1 hour ago from web
41. Q: How many tattoos do you have?about 1 hour ago from web
42. @Cookyssugarmama nothing terse about him, they are not exactly book-filling questions!about 1 hour ago from web in reply to Cookyssugarmama
43. DC: “It’s great, 90% of this job is promotion, and if the fans want to do it for us, that’s great!”about 1 hour ago from web
44. Q: How do you feel about fans sharing and trading video/audio of your work?about 1 hour ago from web
45. COOKIE COUNT: 343!!!! WOW!!!about 1 hour ago from web
46. DC: “No plans right now.”about 1 hour ago from web
47. Q: Will you do a video for Barbasol?about 1 hour ago from web
48. check out the Johnny Hates Jazz song that David hea
s!about 1 hour ago from web
49. Now that folks is a super EXCLUSIVE!!!!!!!!about 1 hour ago from web
50. DC: "Which we may do a cover of [ ].”about 1 hour ago from web
51. DC: “Leslie Ray, Burn Halo [http://www.myspace.com/burnhalo] and Johnny Hates Jazz single “Shattered Dreams..."about 1 hour ago from web
52. Q: What is on your iPod right now?about 1 hour ago from web
53. lol, j/k!about 1 hour ago from web
54. who dares me to wear the red dress to the conce
?? i have third row center, i was told!about 1 hour ago from web
55. @autumndefense DC-BFF 4 EVA!about 1 hour ago from web in reply to autumndefense
56. im trying to over heat my tweeter so i am not sepea
ed from you all for a full hour, so give me couple of minutes, trying to space it out!about 1 hour ago from web
57. @autumndefense yes, my love! and then he took very comically seriouslyabout 1 hour ago from web in reply to autumndefense
58. COOKIE COUNT: 337!about 1 hour ago from web
59. More David COOK interview exclusive, coming up!!!!!! Be right back!!!!! two pages of questions and answers to go, promise!about 1 hour ago from web
60. DC: “I have no plans for it right now, but I’ve learned in this all to never say never.”about 1 hour ago from web
61. @autumndefense it was my very 1st question and my personal favoriteabout 1 hour ago from web
62. Q: Would you ever make an album of all style covers?about 1 hour ago from web
63. @autumndefense sorry it should say, "i'm going to have to SAY dinosaurs"about 1 hour ago from web in reply to autumndefense
64. DC: “I don’t know, I guess it’s all about not getting caught up in it all.”about 1 hour ago from web
65. Q: Is their anything that helped you achieve that or is it just natural talent?about 1 hour ago from web
66. Q: You have a great aptitude for communication, music, writing, speaking, body language...about 1 hour ago from web
67. @pjsz nope tonights the first nightabout 1 hour ago from web in reply to pjsz
68. "Um, [laughs], I don't know."about 1 hour ago from web
69. Q: Do you think we can lower carbon emissions that way and are you game to help us?about 1 hour ago from web
70. Q: We have an idea for a new green initiative: “Save a car, ride a Cook.”about 1 hour ago from web
71. @Suenee i wasn't allowed to take one, send them from the show, sorryabout 1 hour ago from web in reply to Suenee
72. DC: “Nothing more then the obligatory panties.”about 1 hour ago from web
73. Q: What is the di
iest thing a fan has said or given you since you became famous?about 1 hour ago from web
74. and here is my ticket for tonight! http://twitgoo.com/7hc0about 1 hour ago from twitgoo
75. DC: "When I first met and lived with Neal he didn’t even know how to use a computer, so…”about 1 hour ago from web
76. DC: “I just don’t find myself that impo
ant. No, no one I know in the band Twitters."about 1 hour ago from web
77. Q: Why do you keep resisting Twitter? Does anyone in the band Twitter?about 2 hours ago from web
78. i will repost it sometime this weekend on twitter for the new fans that my have missed the first postabout 2 hours ago from web
79. @TMC1025 yes but not until monday, this is for you guys only until thenabout 2 hours ago from web in reply to TMC1025
80. @kakakatey im a yankee fan and i do too!about 2 hours ago from web in reply to kakakatey
81. COOKIE COUNT: 326!!!about 2 hours ago from web
82. bathroom break.... be right back to finish up the interview, two more full pages of answers to go.... stay tuned!about 2 hours ago from web
83. DC: "I don’t like the idea of throwing money at a problem that’s not getting any better.”about 2 hours ago from web
84. “I’m a Royals fan, I suppo
the small market team. What it is about the Yankees....about 2 hours ago from web
85. Q: Why do you hate the Yankees so much?about 2 hours ago from web
86. @JoeyLaurenKoch oh yeah, i know, some of the questions i think caught him off guard although i told him first they were fan questions onlyabout 2 hours ago from web in reply to JoeyLaurenKoch
87. This is me on the way to the interview http://twitgoo.com/7h91about 2 hours ago from twitgoo
88. @DavidCookLove not at all, he just seemed a little tired, i told him to go take a nap, he said he would tryabout 2 hours ago from web in reply to DavidCookLove
89. @JoeyLaurenKoch what r u talking about? there are so him, cute and pithy!about 2 hours ago from web in reply to JoeyLaurenKoch
90. COOKIE COUNT: 324!!!!!!about 2 hours ago from web
91. what do you guys think of the dress? memorable?about 2 hours ago from web
92. DC: “Having fun and being happy.”about 2 hours ago from web
93. Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?about 2 hours ago from web
94. @pjsz lol i was born in them, my mum is super glam so i learned from the bestabout 2 hours ago from web in reply to pjsz
95. DC: “I don know, I’m an open book, whatever talents I have a display them.”about 2 hours ago from web
96. Q: Do you have any hidden talents?about 2 hours ago from web
97. this is the red dolce & gabbana dress DC remembered! i wore it with black platform (5in) GIvenchy heels in LA http://twitgoo.com/7h4labout 2 hours ago from twitgoo
98. okay i got onto to twitgoo, will post three pics and then continue the interviewabout 2 hours ago from web
99. having problems with twit pic any other suggestions, more questions coming, we are only half way through.......about 2 hours ago from web
100. @CooksGrl4Eva thank you sweetie, more quetsions on the wayabout 2 hours ago from web in reply to CooksGrl4Eva
101. DC: “I have no idea.”about 2 hours ago from web
102. Q: What is the significance of the clock in the Come Back To Me video reading 4:20about 2 hours ago from web
103. how do i upload photos???? someone DM so i can send some pics of before and after interview, although no DC ones yetabout 2 hours ago from web
104. guess what we are only half way through the interview, more questions on the wayabout 2 hours ago from web
105. DC: “Just Gibson.”about 2 hours ago from web
106. Q: You have a fondness for Gibson guitars, what other brands do you prefer?about 2 hours ago from web
107. COOKIE COUNT: 321!!!!!!!!! more questions and answers coming now...about 2 hours ago from web
108. DC: “The USA Today 5 star puzzle, I don’t even have a hope for that one.”about 2 hours ago from web
109. Q: Hardest crossword puzzle you ever did?about 2 hours ago from web
110. DC: “I don’t know, I guess do burn out and get exhausted.”about 2 hours ago from web
111. Q: How do you keep your shows so emotionally charged without burning out and exhausting yourself?about 2 hours ago from web
112. THIS A NYPOST EXCLUSIVE!!!!!!!!!!about 2 hours ago from web
113. DC: “Will Smith, because when he makes a movie it blows up ridiculous. I guess I could be his comedic side kick.”about 2 hours ago from web
114. Q: If you could be in a movie with anyone who would it be and why?about 2 hours ago from web
115. “I want to be the voice of the plant in Little Shop of Horrors, but mainly because I could sit off stage with a microphone and do it.”about 2 hours ago from web
116. Q: If you could be in any Broadway musical, which one and why?about 2 hours ago from web
117. DC: “I don’t know, you have to read through the lyrics and find out yourself.”about 2 hours ago from web
118. Q: Is there a favorite word you like to put in your lyrics?about 2 hours ago from web
119. (and with all the highlights in his hair i think he meant it!)about 2 hours ago from web
120. DC: “I think it’s terrible, we should have equal pa
s for all hair colors.”about 2 hours ago from web
121. Q: How do you feel about redheads going extinct?about 2 hours ago from web
122. @xEvenstarx no but my friend jared who works for the post online did his own interview which will be up later and i will link to itabout 2 hours ago from web in reply to xEvenstarx
123. DC: “Led Zepplin, because it’s Led Zepplin! Plus I don’t think there doing anything right now, so maybe they would want to.”about 2 hours ago from web
124. Q: If you could pick any act to tour with who would it be and why?about 2 hours ago from web
125. DC: “True, but it doesn’t mean I will talk about it, that’s pa
of the deal.”about 2 hours ago from web
126. Q: But I read that you said you’ll try anything twice?about 2 hours ago from web
127. DC: “I’ll never tell.”about 2 hours ago from web
128. Q: Did you eat balut in Manila?about 2 hours ago from web
129. DC: "I had a dinosaur BBQ sandwich last night, so I’m going to have to dinosaurs."about 2 hours ago from web
130. Q: What do you like better dinosaurs or robots?about 2 hours ago from web
131. just making sure your out there, okay, question 1.....about 2 hours ago from web
132. @tewer i dont think i will keep accoutabout 2 hours ago from web in reply to tewer
133. Okay are you all ready??? I say David you say Cook, David....about 2 hours ago from web
134. and we are at 304 followers!!!about 2 hours ago from web
135. okay im on my macabout 2 hours ago from web
136. Just about ready to sta
posting. Give me 10min!!!about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
137. That is almost as exciting as the answers to his questions! Which I'm sure you're all dying to know...about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
138. Can u believe that!!!! All the women he met over the past year and he nailed me to a t from that night when I met him on top 12 red carpet!about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
139. And the best pa
of all? He remembered the 1st time we met a year ago because of the Hot dolce and gabana dress I wore!! He remembed me!!about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
140. It looks he got new highlights in his hair, all kinds of funky blond and redabout 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
141. I don't want to crash my twitte berry so ill send the q and a when I get to my Mac!!!about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
142. He got a new tattoo but wouldn't let me take a picture. : (about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
143. He loved your questions and laughed the entire timeabout 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
144. Humble beautfuil kind and he smells good!about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
145. Omg. Here we goabout 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
146. I think I hear them packing up the video equipmentabout 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
147. I guess they are running late, because I'm still waiting. Stand by cookie loversabout 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
148. David not Jared......about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
149. I can hear him laughing, sigh!about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
150. Standing outside his hotel room waiting for my friend Jared 2 finish his video interview which will post online later, I will link to itabout 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
151. In the elevator on my way to the interview!!!about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
152. I'm not nervous but I can barrely sit still, I can't wait to find out what kind of answers he gives for your amazing questions!!!about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
153. I mean he is stunning!!!! I'm really excited!!!!!!!about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
154. For the first time ever I think my heats stoped when I saw David, wow!!!about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
155. Waiting Back in the lobby for him to finish his last interviewabout 4 hours ago from TwitterBerry
156. But my twit pic is not working so ill have to send the pics when I'm don't twitterberry overloadabout 4 hours ago from TwitterBerry
157. So Hawt!about 4 hours ago from TwitterBerry
158. Omg. He just said hello to me, his hair is very sho
and he looks so Hawtabout 4 hours ago from TwitterBerry
159. I'm wearing gold gladiator sandals but plan on changing into some sexy heels, cookie is tall!!about 4 hours ago from TwitterBerry
160. I'm walkin to a midtown hotel to meet cookie!about 4 hours ago from TwitterBerry
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secret (管理人しか読むことができません)
dinosaur BBQ sandwichも食べたい。
Rosie 2009/05/24(Sun)19:54:36 編集




キョウ 2009/05/24(Sun)20:36:36 編集

ともみ 2009/05/24(Sun)22:13:36 編集
Twitter / thedavidcook
最新シングル 2013/04/30
Laying Me Low

アルバムリリース 6/28
This Loud Morning

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