・DC&TAの曲の後の観客の反応がすごかった。司会者というかADみたいな人??Cory(アメリカンアイドルの人らしい)がコメント。「素晴らしいパフォーマンスの時は"拍手”って指示しなくても自然と賞賛が起きるからいいね」 クッキーいつものように謙虚に受け止める。
・Van Halen曲"Why Can't this be love"でのデュエットの時にギターソロもやるDC。カメラがギターにズームインして収録してたらしい。この時のバンドはTAでなく、アイドルでおなじみのリッキーバンド。
・クッキーが「誰かもアルバムを出していて・・」というと、オーディエンスが「アーチュレタ!」と叫び、笑うクッキー。「キャリーアンダーウッドってつもりだったんだけど(笑)いいか・・・Christmas from the heart。」と言ったらしい。アルバムタイトルしっかり言ったのね。カワイ。
・デュエットやる前にスキット…D「僕のアルバムの宣伝するために呼んでくれてありがとう」C「私はそのつもりなかったのに、プロデューサーに急遽、無理矢理やらされたのよ」 ・・・みなさん!ここで笑わないと!(笑)
・ニールが最高だったと報告あり。はは。ニールは黒づくめ。クッキーがニールをDr.と呼ぶと、アンディと一緒になにか表情を作って反応したらしい・・・ みてぇ。みせろや!
・Nigel Lythgoeがツイッターで、Dave素晴らしい!二人のデュエットも特別なマジックが!と絶賛。ウフ。
・Lieの前にお客さんからの質問で、一番好きなバンドを聞かれる。「OLPと…The Anthemic」(俺たちはどうなってんだよ?ってバンドメンバーからのオーラが出てたらしい(笑)ので付け足した???はは。ここも見せて。今すぐ。お願い。・・・魂を売りそうだ・・・アタシ。)
・オーディエンスの人が父親がDavid Cookなので、名前のためにクッキーは特別なんだというと、「やっぱりDavid Cookって名前だからさぞかし素晴らしいんだろうね」としょうもないボケ?をかます。(笑ってもらったことを祈りますw)
・観客の反応があまりに凄くて、驚くクッキーが番組側から指示がでてるんだろう後ろをみて指示表?みたいのを探すと、そんなものはなく(笑)。Coryが「『拍手!!』サインはないよ。これ(客の反応)は全部君のものだ。」ってコメント。 うおー!みてぇみてぇみてぇ!
お願いダー みせてくれー
From Janesixtytwo @ twitter
1. @thedavidcook band DID play great and you did a lot more than not fall over - you killed both songs. Wonderful seeing you tonight, David.about 1 hour ago from Echofon in reply to thedavidcook
2. RT @corylive @thedavidcook Cook absolutely SLAYED it tonight!! The best I've EVER heard him! Way 2 knock another 1 outta the park! ....about 1 hour ago from Echofon
3. @sfbb LOL ok - we are just finishing "breakfast" and it's 30 mins drive home. @LiterateGal says she'll post on PB when home. I'm too beat!about 2 hours ago from Echofon in reply to sfbb
4. @MBenz09 great to meet you too! I don't think I got eye contact from David while he was singing but glad if you did!about 2 hours ago from Echofon in reply to MBenz09
5. @Poniente23 says she'll post recap later!about 2 hours ago from Echofon
6. @so_dina oh good, glad to oblige! @poniente23 says hi, sitting at diner with her & @LiterateGalabout 2 hours ago from Echofon in reply to so_dina
7. @Cookistas he didn't dance but there were dancers from SYTYCD - but not during David's songs!about 2 hours ago from Echofon in reply to Cookistas
8. Couldn't believe he earned that huge response all by himself, but he did.about 2 hours ago from Echofon
9. Applause. Cory made a comment like you know it was a good performance, we didn't even have to ask for applause. David humble as always.about 2 hours ago from Echofon
10. After the first time David did Lie and got huge response, David looked back and then was surprised that there was no sign asking forabout 2 hours ago from Echofon
11. Kristen Chenoweth was underused - wish they'd given her more to do - just a trio with Carrie & Christina Applegate - too bad.about 2 hours ago from Echofon
12. Take her so she locked herself in room & listened to his Cd? So she got to go on stage & got 2 hugs & a signature!about 2 hours ago from Echofon
13. And did anyone tell about the teenager who was crying she was so excited to see David? She said had wanted to go to Newport, no one wouldabout 2 hours ago from Echofon
14. Did anyone tell about the little girl who David brought up on stage cause she wanted to sing with him? They sang happy birthday - adorable!about 2 hours ago from Echofon
15. @rupcookgal Spanish teacher like you & David said "Gracias" <3about 2 hours ago from Echofon in reply to rupcookgal
16. @rupcookgal was thinking of you b/c someone said to him nice zapatos (he had these funky boots on, not cowboy ones) & person said my >>about 2 hours ago from Echofon in reply to rupcookgal
17. Thinks early December but he goes where they tell him. He said he told them he wanted to do shows thru December & they keep booking showsabout 2 hours ago from Echofon
18. Questions from audience between takes & I got to ask one - asked him when & where last show is but he said he honestly doesn't know, heabout 2 hours ago from Echofon
19. Just out of the Cookwood taping. He sounded gorgeous, looked great & got I'd say best response of night. There was time for some banter &about 2 hours ago from Echofon
1. Thx @god 4 no traffic. Do want sleep badabout 2 hours ago from Tweetie
2. Was asked when tewer ends? Tried to convince us he doesn't know. Uh huhabout 3 hours ago from Tweetie
3. The nft version RT @wehoscott: I'm just glad that millions of people on 12/7/09 will hear David sing "Lie" and sing it flawlessly.about 3 hours ago from Tweetie
4. @wehoscott mincing words. There was a lot less facial hair and it makes him look 10 yrs younger.about 3 hours ago from Tweetie in reply to wehoscott
5. Kristen chenowith performed with carrie <3about 3 hours ago from Tweetie
6. Oh carries first fiddler the clark brothers now called sons of sylvia performed. Hawtabout 3 hours ago from Tweetie
7. Yes lame but still ftw RT @krunkjess: @john_socal wait......van halen and nft didn't play on it? Lame.about 3 hours ago from Tweetie
8. @pokertrace napolean sytycd 1 foot from me on way out! Lots of shankman too bbabout 3 hours ago from Tweetie in reply to pokertrace
9. Bit of comedy with carrie b4 van halen. Little lame but the show is going to be a hit. Carrie skits hilarious on tapeabout 3 hours ago from Tweetie
10. Did van halen song x 2 but with rickey minor bandabout 3 hours ago from Tweetie
11. @pokertrace lie x 2 and it was to die for. Acoustics phenomabout 3 hours ago from Tweetie in reply to pokertrace
12. Dfc stole the showabout 3 hours ago from Tweetie
13. Lie lie lieabout 3 hours ago from Tweetie
14. @Mysticpurz i dont know name thats what they told me. Part of lyric?about 8 hours ago from Tweetie in reply to Mysticpurz
15. Beardless van halen song duet - what it takesabout 9 hours ago from Tweetie
16. Carrie and david on set rehearsing. @wehoscott says he looks beefyabout 9 hours ago from Tweetie
17. Soundcheck lie. Beard gone? Watching on monitor http://twitpic.com/mj9awabout 9 hours ago from Tweetie
18. Stalking. No other way to put itabout 10 hours ago from Tweetie
19. Hmm http://twitpic.com/mj0bpabout 10 hours ago from Tweetie
1. @corylive you did a pretty damned good job yourself tonight Cory! See you at tomorrow night's taping.about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
2. RT @corylive: @thedavidcook Cook absolutely SLAYED it tonight!! The best I've EVER heard him! Way 2 knock another 1 outta the park!about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
3. @ShtickWithShell Lie, Little Lies and TWIK are, IMO, tailor made for his voice. They really suit him live.about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to ShtickWithShell
4. @ShtickWithShell I think AH's rawness is what's so wonderful. And Yes, Lie pops and it is a no-brainer radio hit in hiding.about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to ShtickWithShell
5. @andyskib Hey, are u going to the U2 concert at the Rose Bowl on Sunday? Got my tix 4 months ago LOL!about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck
6. @ShtickWithShell i wish they would release it as a single. At least millions will hear it on 12/7about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to ShtickWithShell
7. @YoSwanny yes! you know, I don't have my iphone yet, just that flip phone that does great cellcasts. But I can't mobile tweet yet. Soon.about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to YoSwanny
8. Carrie said she asked David to sing Lie because it's her favorite song on DCTR. She really supports him beautifully.about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck
9. @krunkjess that whole crying girl and the stolen thunder girl was hilarious. Carrie's show, and the girls are crying over David!about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to krunkjess
10. @GB1213 the audience didn't even need to be cued to cheer and stand (no applause signs in that studio)... warm up guy even mentioned it lol!about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to GB1213
11. @wavingfeather although I did on the drive home just now LOL!about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to wavingfeather
12. @wavingfeather yes, it was the version from the tour. just amazing. i can't even listen to the DCTR version anymore LOL!about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to wavingfeather
13. @rascalete he's on a red eye to Indiana.about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to rascalete
14. The boy's guitar skilz have really developed during this tour.about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck
15. Almost forget, David did a wicked guitar solo during the Van Halen duet, with a steady cam zoomed in at his guitar action.about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck
16. I'm just glad that millions of people on 12/7/09 will hear David sing "Lie" and sing it flawlessly. Standing O.about 3 hours ago from TweetDeck
17. beautiful side bangs. He had full wardrobe, stylist, hair, makeup, the works.about 3 hours ago from TweetDeck
18. To clear up the shaing issue, @LiterateGal already explained. He cleaned it up and trimmed... more of a goatee, not a complete shave...about 3 hours ago from TweetDeck
19. @GB1213 beefy great. arm porn galore, but only during dress rehearsal. He had a jacket on for the actual taping. Damn he looked great.about 3 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to GB1213
20. Pass number 2 for "Lie" literally made the hair on my neck and arms stand up. He never looked more handsome. Band rocked.about 3 hours ago from TweetDeck
21. Well, when Mr. Cook brings it, he takes no prisoners. Tonight he killed it. Killed, killed killed. Audience = dead.about 3 hours ago from TweetDeck
1. @YoSwanny You're welcome. I honestly can't wait for the world to see this on Dec 7th. :)about 2 hours ago from web in reply to YoSwanny
2. Must sleep. Its been a LONG day. Tweet u all 2mrw. :)about 3 hours ago from web
3. @wehoscott It was incredible wasn't it? The Dr. must be proud. :)about 3 hours ago from web in reply to wehoscott
4. Saw Tyce Diorio when we were walking in and Lauren from a couple seasons back. I'm a big SYTYCD fan too. Very cool 2 c awesome dancers 2!about 3 hours ago from web
5. Took my chance & had a full on conversation with Nappytabs from SYTYCD. They are so sweet. The choreographed 2 #'s for Carrie.about 3 hours ago from web
6. I think you made alot of new fans in the audience tonight @thedavidcook. Seriously, you rocked the house. Lie was just.. there are no words.about 3 hours ago from web
7. @YoSwanny I'm not sure what he meant by "I did not fall". He didn't do any dancing! lolabout 3 hours ago from web in reply to YoSwanny
8. @tigervixxxen on he and Carrie's duet. "Why Can't this be love" Carrie rocked it out up there too!about 3 hours ago from web in reply to tigervixxxen
9. @tigervixxxen It was actually Ricky Miner and the band from Idol that played along with David and the white guitar (sry don't know guitar nmabout 3 hours ago from web in reply to tigervixxxen
10. BTW: Carrie introduced Lie by saying that she asked David 2 come sing her favorite song from the album.about 3 hours ago from web
11. My dad who is a huge Carrie Underwood fan told me that @thedavidcook was the best of the night! :)about 3 hours ago from web
12. Girl in the audience who didn't get to go to Newport concert got to go up and get a hug and an autograph.about 3 hours ago from web
13. ...to ask the audience for applause. They got a standing O for Lie & he and Carrie got a standing O for their duet. Incredible night!about 3 hours ago from web
14. I love that @coreylive was complimenting him. He's the warm-up guy. He said you know when someone is amazing on a show when u don't have...about 3 hours ago from web
15. @Along4theRide @tigervixxxen He was shredding on the duet with Carrie. The boys were not with him for that one.about 3 hours ago from web in reply to Along4theRide
16. david can really shred that guitar! omgabout 3 hours ago from mobile web
17. his hair looked darkerabout 3 hours ago from mobile web
18. he didnt go off the mic they had awesome snd 4 acapella partabout 3 hours ago from mobile web
19. crowd loved cook, didnt need cue 4 applauseabout 3 hours ago from mobile web
20. lie was very similar 2 latest concert versions, he did acapellaabout 3 hours ago from mobile web
21. cookwood rocked the houseabout 3 hours ago from mobile web
22. lie was flawless both timesabout 3 hours ago from mobile web
23. they did all songs twiceabout 3 hours ago from mobile web
24. boys were in the back david out frntabout 3 hours ago from mobile web
25. finally out! lie was amazingabout 3 hours ago from mobile web
1. @sellaturcica so as long as ur ~cool with that, follow away. & my kpopgirlicon also misses ur 100x100owl. Lolz iPhone. Why r u not a laptop!about 1 hour ago from Echofon in reply to sellaturcica
2. @sellaturcica my rl one is very nonflaily and nonotp centric. Ur gonna be like - less pics of hugeass food, more ai!otps. Lolzy!about 1 hour ago from Echofon in reply to sellaturcica
3. @sellaturcica Anyone can follow me here but I will be following u guys on my other one~ lolzy. Oh how I have missed ur beautiful owl face!!!about 1 hour ago from Echofon in reply to sellaturcica
4. @buttermymuffin4 BEST NIGHT EVER. And I have u to thank for making our party of 2 into a party of 3 and getting us 5th row seats!!!! Ilu!!about 2 hours ago from Echofon in reply to buttermymuffin4
5. @cosmicolor yes. Is this even a question!about 2 hours ago from Echofon in reply to cosmicolor
6. @sellaturcica I am so sorry but my iPhone is only set to this one!! And I figured i'd keep my ~fandom one separate!! Lolz. Don't be sadowl!about 2 hours ago from Echofon in reply to sellaturcica
7. Someone tell banabee that I love her forever and ever u guys~!! Am now dead from tired. Ilu @thedavidcook @nealfingtiemann @andyskib. <33about 2 hours ago from Echofon
8. @Lasplx02 I can't believe it all happened. It was the best experience ever. I love my etc girls and the overwhelming support for each otherabout 3 hours ago from Echofon in reply to Lasplx02
9. @otherbella I srsly love u etc girls so much. Ur support and prayers made this while thing happen. I have no doubt whatsoever. I love u guysabout 3 hours ago from Echofon in reply to otherbella
10. @__quack QUACK!!!!!! I said David Archuleta unfortunately!!!about 3 hours ago from Echofon in reply to __quack
11. @thedavidcook said "I meant Carrie underwood but okays. Christmas from the heart..." D: D: D: I think @thedavidcook scorned me irl.about 3 hours ago from Echofon
12. @thedavidcook said "someone else has an album out..." and I yelled "@DavidArchie" and he laughed and said...about 3 hours ago from Echofon
13. @thedavidcook used his black guitar for lie. Wore black combat type boots.about 3 hours ago from Echofon
14. ...his album and she said her producers made her invite him. Lolz. Their duet was cute. @thedavidcook used his white guitar for it.about 3 hours ago from Echofon
15. Oh!! And @thedavidcook and Carrie did a "skit" and it was awkward and dorky before their duet. He said thanks for letting him come to pimp..about 3 hours ago from Echofon
16. @iamnotvoldemort I cannot believe we got 5th row. @thedavidcook was so amazing. My brain hurts. His voice is like fire and animal.about 3 hours ago from Echofon in reply to iamnotvoldemort
17. @LoveForeverKay sang both songs twice for camera/shot purposes.about 3 hours ago from Echofon in reply to LoveForeverKay
18. And banabee and I died. And we held each other as @nealfingtiemann stole my heart. Omg and that @thedavidcook is a good guy too. Brb crying.about 4 hours ago from Echofon
19. And cook sang happy birthday to some girl. And hugged some other girl. And got so much makeup done lolz. His hair looked really dark.about 4 hours ago from Echofon
20. U guys. Hearts in my freaking eyes for @nealfingtiemann. Srsly. And there was interview with the audience and I screamed about @DavidArchie!about 4 hours ago from Echofon
21. And banabee and I sat 5th row!!!! And @andyskib gf sat behind us!! It was the most amazing experience ever. Omg. I will never forget this.about 4 hours ago from Echofon
22. @nealfingtiemann was in all black. Looked so cute. Cook called him Dr!!! And he did cute facial expression with @andyskib!!about 4 hours ago from Echofon
23. @thedavidcook sang lie twice. Duet with Carrie song "why can't it be love". Wore black/gray suit. Best part? @nealfingtiemann!!!about 4 hours ago from Echofon
As windmills pointed out, Stephen is a Carrie fan. During one of the breaks, Cook did a Q&A. Stephen’s question was if Cook could introduce him (Stephen) to Carrie? [Now read Cook's response again to the tweet] The most Cook was able to do was point Stephen out to Carrie later on. Carrie blew Stephen a kiss
Radar Online reports from the set of Carrie’s special. Bo Bice was there too although he didn’t perform yesterday.
The band is in back, with Neal, Monty and Andy lined up in front of Kyle. David looks good, very, very good. His hair is darker than lately, newly cut a bit shorter, his scruff trimmed, grey and black outfit with black jacket and pants tucked into boots in a way we have never seen before. And then he sings Lie. OMG, his beautiful rich voice fills that soundstage absolutely dwarfing what had come before. It is stunning. He does not step away from the mike at the acapella part but still does the acapella and it is gorgeous. Without the screams of the fans and with the good sound system, the full beauty of his voice could be heard and I got shivers. Incredible.
One hilarious and touching episode was with this 14-16 year old blonde girl there with her parents. She was crying and crying after he sang Lie. Cory asked her why she was crying and she said “Because it is just so beautiful”. And then he says “How many David Cook concerts have you seen” and she says she almost got to go to Newport Beach but she couldn’t get anyone to take her and so spent the whole day and evening locked in her bedroom crying and playing his record over and over. So her parents brought her to this. So Cory says “awwww, come down here” and she is shaking badly but he brings her to David who hugs her twice. It was so sweet. David was so nice to her.
Next the group that won the reality show about bands, The Clark Brothers, now called Sons of Sylvia, played “It Will be a Blue, Blue Christmas Without You”. The stage was covered with giant Christmas packages, a toy soldier and a big bear.
There were other numbers, SYTYCD dancers did some things, very well, Carrie’s mom had a funny skit, Carrie had a funny Dolly Parton skit with Kristen Chenowith, Carrie sang a sweet song about her mom and another song in front of a fake bar with a big bunch of dancers.
They were all nice, but the David songs were a whole level up.
The three attractive blondes sing a 1960s medley a spywitness told RadarOnline.com. And, the same source says you will be pleasantly surprised at how well Kristin sings!
The song was taped this week at CBS studios. The special is tentatively titled Carrie Underwood: An All-Star Holiday Special and set to air on Fox December 7.
Watch As Carrie Underwood Wins Entertainer Of The Year
Applegate was in a festive mood, taking photos with young fans. And the biggest surprise to our spywitness was Bo Bice arriving with a huge entourage! Bo has an entourage? Apparently he does!
David Cook was also at the taping, although he seemed kinda moody. Maybe he’ll cheer up by the holidays!
Nigel Lythgoe tweets:
David Cook was great on the taping of the Carrie Underwood Holiday Special last night. They create some “magic” when they perform together.
One hilarious and touching episode was with this 14-16 year old blonde girl there with her parents. She was crying and crying after he sang Lie. Cory asked her why she was crying and she said “Because it is just so beautiful”. And then he says “How many David Cook concerts have you seen” and she says she almost got to go to Newport Beach but she couldn’t get anyone to take her and so spent the whole day and evening locked in her bedroom crying and playing his record over and over.
Cute tweets from a fan who was at the taping last night:
skemann: @thedavidcook Bro, I'm the guy who asked to be introd to Carrie, haha. Thanks for being epic. Cant wait to see you live. Keep rocking dude
David Responds: @skemann sorry I couldn't pull it off. What can I say? The woman is in demand...
skemann responds back: @thedavidcook the fact that you tried got you a bro for life. Whenever you come to San Diego ill be there, haha. Thanks again dude
David and Christina Applegate tweets:
@1capplegate great job last night. Didn’t get to say that… Pleasure seeing you, as always.
@thedavidcook Thanks David! I missed your performance. I had to go home. I hope you had fun!
Michael Slezak (EWMichaelSlezak)
None of us will rest till the shades are safely returned! #comebacktome RT @thedavidcook In Chicago. Oh, and I lost my sunglasses.
Recap by Poniento of DCO:
Ok Dwoplets, after my last mass deletion of my posts critical of lack of promotion for David along with simultaneous way, way OTT Adam pimping, I made many protestations of never, ever, ever, ever posting. And here I am, oh well. Old habits die hard, or not at all.
So, on to the good stuff. I will try to be as descriptive as I can but please bear with me.
It was a beautiful, sunny, summery day in Hollywood. The traffic was slow, the freeways full, as we crept into Studio City around 3:00pm. There was a bright blue canvas tent set up in front of the big studio with a line of very, very dressy people waiting to get into the taping. Beautiful young girls with very short skirts, high stilletto heels, long shiny hair, young men in colorful dress shirts and slacks, some older fans in tasteful black dresses, heels, lots of jewelry. It was a very good looking group. But people were very anxious on the line because even though they had said they would not be assigning seat numbers and checking people in until 5:45 pm, they were already starting to assign numbers. We knew that when the seats ran out, the other people in line would be out of luck. Also one's entire group had to be present to be assigned seats, so if you had one person arriving at the later time, you would have to step out of line and wait until they came, possibly forfeiting any seats at all, or getting very bad ones. It was a mess. Plus you could not park in the lot until 4:30 but at that time you had to move your car from the street to the lot, while somehow not losing your place in line.
Although it was very grueling, tricky, full of stress, my friends and I all managed to get into the line and were assigned tickets. I won't even go into all the shuffling of numbers, reforming of groups while waiting for other people, general confusion that occurred, but we all made it in. There were many young people in black uniforms shepherding us around, herding us constantly actually. And we waited and waited and were herded to the next spot and waited and waited. Finally, there were two long lines waiting to make the walk to the soundstage. After a final round of waiting, we were taken into the theater and sat in our assigned seats. It was a big oval around a large shiny stage made from what looked like faux marble. Ricky Minor from American Idol and his band were on one side and another band was at the back. There was a jumbo screen, although not a huge one.
Cory, the warm up guy from American Idol, came out and started entertaining us and telling us what we would need to do. We were to be part of the show. So, the first act we saw was Kristen Chenowith, Christina Applegate and, of course, Carrie, doing a medley of 50's songs like "Leader of the Pack". They were dressed in frothy pink shirtwaists with many petticoats and high blonde beehive hairdos. I can't remember all the songs in the medley, but it was cute, although so reminiscent of Lawrence Welk, but cute.
They repeated the act twice and the second time was much better than the first.
Next the group that won the reality show about bands, The Clark Brothers, now called Sons of Sylvia, played "It Will be a Blue, Blue Christmas Without You". The stage was covered with giant Christmas packages, a toy soldier and a big bear. The camera was constantly zeroing in on the bear's nose, for some reason. These young men had some sort of sound issues and repeated their song a couple of times with one false start.
Both these acts were applauded and everyone did their best to be enthusiastic.
Ok, guys, sorry but I am getting too sleepy with this late, late night posting so I am going to cut to the chase.
Everytime Cory mentioned David Cook, the fans in the audience, in pockets around the theater would applaud and scream but this was not an entirely DC audience at all. I think most of the people were there for Carrie principally.
So David comes out to a good applause. The band is in back, with Neal, Monty and Andy lined up in front of Kyle. David looks good, very, very good. His hair is darker than lately, newly cut a bit shorter, his scruff trimmed, grey and black outfit with black jacket and pants tucked into boots in a way we have never seen before. And then he sings Lie. OMG, his beautiful rich voice fills that soundstage absolutely dwarfing what had come before. It is stunning. He does not step away from the mike at the acapella part but still does the acapella and it is gorgeous. Without the screams of the fans and with the good sound system, the full beauty of his voice could be heard and I got shivers. Incredible. And this Carrie Underwood crowd absolutely roars after and everyone is on their feet. Long sustained applause. It is electric. As with all the acts they did it again, Yay, this time with a very sweet introduction by Carrie talking about how much she loved the record and how this was her favorite song and that David was more than a colleague, though she didn't say it quite that way, rather he was her friend. And his second Lie was so beautiful.
I am too sleepy to remember exactly when but they were waiting to start the second song and David answered questions from the audience. He was asked his favorite bands, Our Lady Peace and The Anthemic (this after the guys were making gestures like hey, what about us).
One hilarious and touching episode was with this 14-16 year old blonde girl there with her parents. She was crying and crying after he sang Lie. Cory asked her why she was crying and she said "Because it is just so beautiful". And then he says "How many David Cook concerts have you seen" and she says she almost got to go to Newport Beach but she couldn't get anyone to take her and so spent the whole day and evening locked in her bedroom crying and playing his record over and over. So her parents brought her to this. So Cory says "awwww, come down here" and she is shaking badly but he brings her to David who hugs her twice. It was so sweet. David was so nice to her.
Another little girl asked if she could sing with David and she got to stand up there with him and sing Happy Birthday to the birthday people in the audience.
Janesixtytwo was sitting next to me and she asked a question. Cory asked her name and she said "Jane" and David remembered her and said "Hi Jane" and she said "Hi David" and then she asked when his last concert was and where, so we could all go. But he said he didn't know, he hoped they would play up to the end of the year, but he just went where they sent him. (So, peeps, if you want more dates, sounds like to me you could probably get them.)
One woman said her father's name was David Cook and David was special to her because of the name. David joked about the father having all kinds of wonderful attributes since he was a David Cook.
Another person complimented his boots saying something like "bueno zapatos" (?) and he said well, they just put me in them but gracias.
Anyway, there may have been more questions but by this time I am in Davetrance even though he is rather far away, I don't understand what happened.
So now Carrie comes out in this shiny little rock outfit and The Anthemic has left the stage. David absolutely shreds this Van Halen song with her, it is so good. As usual they do it twice, the second time may have been even hotter than the first, but they were amazing. His guitar playing was really good and again his voice just filled the room, took it all over. There was a little jokey exchange about how he was just there to push his record and she wouldn't have had him if the producers hadn't made her at the last minute. It was supposed to be teasy and they seemed to enjoy it. During the hard rock song, there was a lot of chemistry between them, I thought. Maybe flirty?
So, I am too sleepy to continue but after David left the stage and left the room, the energy just seemed sucked out of the room, deflated. There were other numbers, SYTYCD dancers did some things, very well, Carrie's mom had a funny skit, Carrie had a funny Dolly Parton skit with Kristen Chenowith, Carrie sang a sweet song about her mom and another song in front of a fake bar with a big bunch of dancers.
They were all nice, but the David songs were a whole level up.
David was surprised at how the audience adored him. He looked behind him because he thought there was a big applause sign. Cory said, no applause sign, man, that's all for you.
So, I mentioned about how frustrating it was to do the taping, but it was so, so worth it. I am going to go see what else I can attend before the tour is over. Sorry, this has sort of ended not with a bang but a whimper, but it is almost 4 am and time for bed.
Hope that helps describe it a little. I'm sure Scott and the others can fill in what I have forgotten. G'nite dwopers.
それにしても!!はやくLieとWhy Can't this be love聴きたいですね!!その日はYoutubeに貼りついてようっと。
Laying Me Low
アルバムリリース 6/28
This Loud Morning
I'm nuts about David Cook and The Anthemic!
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