最初は、前にも紹介したDCのインタビュー(American Way Magazine用)を1月にしたベストセラー作家の Allison Winn Scotchさんが、そのインタビュー記事を編集している時に、文字数の関係で形容詞的な言葉を編集・削除しないといけないと嘆いてるところからです。
それを同じくAmerican Wayで編集者をしているJessica Jonesというかたに向かってつぶやいいているのが、DCはよく言葉を知ってるに発展→DCと JonesでWord With Friends(スクラブルの改良版と思っていいみたい)をやるといいんじゃない?→Jonesさんが「やってやるわよ!WWFでは私は相手が誰でも容赦しないわよ!クック、かかってこい!」宣言(笑)→DC「Challenge!!!」→試合開始。 ははは
さて、試合開始が決定するとともに、Scotchさんが賭けも一緒にするべきだって話を持ち出して、Jonesさん VS DCの勝者賭けを提案。まず、Jonesさん、Scotchさんが早速賭けを始めます。
そしてJonesさんは、クッキーと同じチャリティを選ぶわ、と言ってくれて、Race for Hopeに今回の配当が行くようにしてくれました。
そしてそこにDCのRFHへのサポートありがとう+Word nerdタイトルを渡します宣言つぶやき。
"Thanks @JJones6 for the match and for supporting Race for Hope! I bequeath my word nerd title to you."
(**ちなみに、このゲームが始まってからRFHに集まった金額は $1500 らしいです!素晴らしい!)
FINAL UPDATE. How @thedavidcook, artist, got into a "Word With Friends" battle w/ @JJones6, associate editor, and how charity won the day.*
@aswinn Trying to get my @thedavidcook piece down to word count. Cutting an ancillary word here & there is torture. (Sorry @jjones6, but it is!)
@Jas5809 @aswinn u cld alwys rite in Twittereze n we'd undrstnd u, as long as u lv @thedavidcook quotes "intact"
@aswinn @Jas5809 LOL. Love this idea
@Sassycatz @aswinn Don't cut out the words "heartthrob" or "sultry."
@aswinn @Sassycatz I misread "sultry" as "slutty" and I was wondering what I'd missed!
@AdamsLisa @aswinn of course, I'd also be happy to take on @thedavidcook in a game of WWF too...
@aswinn @AdamsLisa I don't! But @JJones6 has been telling me to. Think I need to get on it, as I'm always one for another method of procrastination.
@JJones6 @aswinn I totally understand. It's like choosing between your children. Maybe @thedavidcook himself could help us?
@1ofeach @aswinn He'd probably be upset too the word nerd he is!!!
@aswinn @1ofeach Ha. He gave me a sidebar w/some great adjectives - asked him for it bc of his word-nerdiness.
@judy_pollack @aswinn Never enough words for him. And I'm saying that as an editor!
@aswinn @JJones6 I actually think we should embark on a campaign to get you two in a Words with Friends face-off. I bet @thedavidcook would kill it.
@JJones6 @aswinn I'm up for that challenge. I take mercy on no one when it comes to WWF. Bring it on, Cook!
@thedavidcook @aswinn @JJones6 CHALLENGE!!!
@JJones6 @thedavidcook @aswinn Oh, it's on like Donkey Kong. When you're ready to show me what you got, Mr. Cook, DM me your WWF name.
@aswinn @thedavidcook @JJones6 I fricking knew it. (David - this is my American Way editor: go nice so she gives you more word count.)
@aswinn @JJones6 @thedavidcook I'm thinking money should be wagered. Me on Jessica's side vs. all of David's fans. J- still think we can take them.
@Jjones6 @aswinn @thedavidcook [Opens wallet] I have three dollars to contribute. I'm what you call a "high roller."
@aswinn I'll donate check from @americanway piece to charity of choice in winner of WWF battle btwn @thedavidcook vs. @jjones6. Who else is in?
@itsjustMare @aswinn David Cook fans are a giving bunch as u will find out soon. I'm in. U need to just keep us informed of how the game is going.
@aswinn @itsjustMare They def are. He and I talked about it when I interviewed him.
@JJones6 WWF vs @thedavidcook is on. Began w/a 16-ptr. He countered w/51-pt Bingo. In the words of Ron Burgundy, I immediately regret this decision.
@aswinn @JJones6 @thedavidcook I will stand by you until the bitter end, J. I'm also here for cheating/consultation/ego salvation.
(An hour or so later...)
@JJones6 Wow, what an influx of new followers! I'm sure it's bc my tweets are so hilarious and not at all bc I'm playing WWF with @thedavidcook.
@JJones6 @thedavidcook I'll send game updates @ DC since I know all interested parties follow him/so as not to bug my other followers (the nerve).
@JJones6 @thedavidcook After four rounds, score is David: 142, me: 127. Will try to keep game/updates going tonight but must go to a dinner! Argh.
@aswinn @JJones6 Stay strong, J. All it takes is a triple-letter X. (And I don't mean that in an XXX way.) @thedavidcook
@thedavidcook FYI to all who care... the WWF game between @JJones6 and myself hasn't ended yet. Stay tuned...
(After quite some time...)
@aswinn May or may not have just been informed that @jjones6 has taken the lead over @thedavidcook in the ultimate nerdo deathmatch.
@JJones6 @thedavidcook Sorry for the delay guys, but [trumpets sound] I have a game update. After 6 rounds, score is David: 198, me: 195. SO TENSE.
@MailleMaam @JJones6 @thedavidcook Woah! That's close. How many rounds are there in a game?
@JJones6 @MailleMaam There's no preset number of rounds, but we're about halfway through the letters. :)
@JJones6 @thedavidcook Score update! David: 229, me: 240. And thanks to everyone for the encouraging messages! David has the nicest fans!
@justforme2 @JJones6 What charity do you support?
@JJones6 @justforme2 I'll announce it if (and that's a big if!) I win.
@JJones6 @thedavidcook David just hit me with potpies. (The word, not actual pies.) Huge 74-pt play. I'm back in the lead by 16, but it's his turn.
@aswinn @thedavidcook @jjones6 Eek, it's a nail-biter! And I can indeed vouch for @adamslisa-both of u will undoubtedly support great cancer causes!
@AdamsLisa @aswinn don't tell @thedavidcook but even if I were to win this hypothetical match, I'll let him choose where the $ goes. That's how I roll.
@JJones6 @thedavidcook We're down to just a few letters! Any more charity pledges before we finish this thing off??
@JJones6 @thedavidcook Game over — and a great one at that! Final score...David: 366, me: 396.
@JJones6 @thedavidcook I'm happy to announce my charity of choice is also David's: Race for Hope. Support his team by going here: http://is.gd/LvBq6V
@JJones6 @thedavidcook And thanks to everyone for following along! Now go make some donations, like I'm about to!
@Deb_acle @aswinn @JJones6 @thedavidcook Awww, Win-Win !
@aswinn @Deb_acle @jjones6 @thedavidcook Except, perhaps, for DC's pride. #stilltrashtalking
@thedavidcook Thanks @JJones6 for the match and for supporting Race for Hope! I bequeath my word nerd title to you.
@JJones6 @thedavidcook No, no. We can be co-Word Nerds.
@JJones6 @thedavidcook A big shoutout to @aswinn for setting this up and for coming up with the great idea to use it to raise money for a good cause!
@DeanaRRFH Update on @JJones6 / @thedavidcook WWF Challenge donations: $948 & 3 new team members since the end of the game! Thanks to all who donated!
@JJones6 @DeanaRFH Wow, that's incredible!! Thanks for posting that!
@aswinn @thedavidcook @jjones6 Just made my donation and threw in extra for D's good sportsmanship. Thanks for playing along.
WWF = Words with Friends - http://bit.ly/8F3qY9 http://bit.ly/W9FZX
Bingo = When you use all of your letters to make your word. You get extra points. (Thanks @Tabbie_WTF_T .)
@aswinn = Allison Winn Scotch, who in January interviewed David Cook for an article for American Way Magazine
@JJones6 = Jessica Jones, associate editor of American Way
@AdamsLisa = Lisa Bonchek Adams, Writer, Stage 2 cancer survivor
Laying Me Low
アルバムリリース 6/28
This Loud Morning
I'm nuts about David Cook and The Anthemic!
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