Matt:人の心をつかむ曲、ユニークなボイス、感情のこもったパフォーマンス。 いい質問だね。
Matt:色々と変わっていく。CircadianとFade Into Meはとてもお気に入り。
Matt:一番短期間で出来たのは、おそらくRight Here, With you。長かったのは、Circadian か Last Goodbye。
Q:なぜアルバムのスタジオミュージシャンを入れ替えてるのか?(=なぜThe Anthemicが全部やらなかったのか)
Q:なぜNealはGoodbye to the Girlでギターを弾かなかったのか?
Matt:オープニングテーマのCircadian をとても気に入ったから、戻ってくるようにしたかった。そうするようにパズルをはめ込んでいった結果。
Matt:We Believeの間奏で。バックグラウンドの奇妙なサウンドがそれ。
時々、ボーカルと一つの楽器っていう原点に戻ってきてた。 (いろいろ装飾になる部分のサウンドを重ねている作業中に、たびたびボーカルと1つの楽器っていう原点に戻って考えることをしてたってことじゃないかと)
Matt:確かではないけど、We Beleive
Matt:YES。 経済と同様に音楽ビジネスも厳しい状況下にあって、かつての基準とされるもののほんの一部で「成功」を評価されてしまう。
Matt:DCはつねに「コンセプトアルバムっぽい」っていうアイディアを口にしていた。Circadian がそれに息吹を吹き込んだ。
Matt:Fade into me?
(Edさんの書き込みではDCが出来上がりのトラックに満足がいかなくて、Let me~に変更になったって言ってたそうですよ。←その実際の文章はまだ読んでない)
Mat:全部。あえていうならCircadian & REM。
Q: なぜ決まった曲数のレコーディングしかしなかったのか?それをすることでどんな利点が?(80曲作った中で実際にレコーディングされた曲数は極端に少なかったことを指摘してるのかな、と)
Matt:DCのA&R担当・David Wolterが紹介してくれた。そこから。
Matt:プロデューサーは、映画の監督のようなもの。ストーリーを映像にして、素晴らしい演技を引き出す。 アーティスト自身がそこまで出来ることもある。
Fade into me-東ヨ--ロッパからのオーケストラ
Circadian & REM--合唱隊
****原文コピペ***** ↓↓↓
Q: @MattSerletic How long does it take for one song to go through the Recording Process and does it have to go through various steps after tht?
A: @kimmiechick I've cut songs that take 3 days(Smooth)&1's that take a few weeks because your rethinking the approach("Last Goodbye").
Q: @MattSerletic Question about TLM: Which song has the sitar? Why was it chosen for that song?
A: @Anne_Themmick Right Here With U. Listen in the chorus, the counter melody line.
Q: @MattSerletic 1st of all, bravo on TLM! From the looks of the Making of TLM, it seems you and Dave collaborated very well. Tell us about that
A: @rapriverlady producing an artist u have to understand what is important 2 them & help them achieve that.I feel lucky that Dave trusted me.
Q: @MattSerletic I know you have written w/ rob thomas (who I also adore) did you do any writing with DC?
A: @soweetbrew I love songwriting. With DC, most of the songs were in vrs stages of completion when we started so I focused on song choices.
Q: @MattSerletic which track on TLM was the hardest to produce?
A: @bo08mo Maybe Circadian. Was difficult to get the layers right. the innocence had 2 come across, then the hardness of the world takes over.
Q: @MattSerletic How long does it take to go through this whole process on a song?
A: @kimmiechick depends.3 days 2 a month. Never really know. Song takes over.
Q: @MattSerletic Do you have a personal favorite song on This Loud Morning?
A: @Lainey02 Listening to it now. like it all, but maybe circadian for the layers or take me asI am for the way the orch works.
Q: @MattSerletic Were there any songs that you had to convince Dave to do a particular way? Any friendly disagreements?
A: @glengirl4dc There r always different point of views, but working with one as talented as DC, we trusted each other and worked through it.
Q: @MattSerletic Question about TLM: Which song has the sitar? Why was it chosen for that song??
A: @Anne_Themmick Chorus of Right Here W/U. Just sounded cool. .
Q: @MattSerletic 3 must-haves for a good record?
A: @cooktastrophe27 compelling songs, unique voice, emotional performances. good question.
Q: @MattSerletic What is your favorite song on @thedavidcook CD?
A: @DavidRocks08 Keeps changing. love Circadian and Fade Into Me.
Q: @MattSerletic how do you go about deciding which songs will be released as singles?
A: @musical_eagle Always a bit of a mission. Usually know which ones are on the short list by studio time. Then much discussion w artist & label.
Q: @MattSerletic How stressful was the making of TLM?
A: @Lauire1 The challenge was to find the sound with Dave's band and make the songs speak. Once we had that 2gether, it was fun!
Q: @MattSerletic Did Dave have all the ideas for the opening and closing instrumentation he did say as a kid he had a toy that would help him
A: @kimmiechick he was very involved and had the idea for the choir.
Q: @MattSerletic On This Loud Morning which song was quickest and which took longest to finish?
A: @7Skitty Fastest probably Right Here W/U, longest either Circadian or Last Goodbye.
Q: @MattSerletic why change up the studio musicians for DC's album?
A: @Deluge76 Different flavors. Helps to build depth in the album.
Q: @MattSerletic David was so hands-on on this album. Is it the norm for other artists to do this too?
A: @itsjustMare Always love for the artist to care a& stay involved. Always better that way.
Q: @MattSerletic Loving David Cook's This Loud Morning, but I'm wondering why Neal Tiemann didn't play on Goodbye to the Girl?
A: @_Everything_Zen I think he was on tour when we cut that song. Great song.
Q: @MattSerletic This Loud Morning is fantastic. My question is how did you and David come up with the ending to REM. My fav song on the album.
A: @Sky_in_wa We were loving the opening theme on Circadian & wanted to bring it back, so we put together a musical puzzle.
Q: @MattSerletic You seem to spend more time to produce an album and it seems to pay off. What do you think is the key to your success?
A: @AnthonyOng0309 Caring & Searching.I want to be involved in things that I feel are special.
Q: @MattSerletic Hi there! Congrats on the album - it's amazing. My burning question - where is the theramin??
A: @luvindcinpa_cas Bridge of We Believe. It's the spooky thing in the background.
Q: @MattSerletic Re you & D & the creative process:When you showed D all the bells & whistles, did he say I want them all on this album?
A: @COOKaineAddict We tried to have more or less depending on the song. Always coming back to vocal & 1 instrument at times.
Q: @MattSerletic. The question (accidentally deleted) was what is the first song they finished (for Dave's album)
A: @naama_291 we kinda did them in batches so not really sure. maybe we believe?
Q: @MattSerletic I see you have a credit for playing piano on @thedavidcook's new album. How many different musical instruments do you play?
A: @Dammit_David Depends on if u mean well or not! About 5 being generous.
Q: @MattSerletic Have the many changes in the music industry the past few years made it more difficult to define success in the current market?
A: @chele07 Yes. Music business, like the economy is in a tough spot. Success is measured on a fraction of what it used to be.
Q: @MattSerletic The current market is singles & autotuned driven. What do U tell artists that don't fit this mold to survive long term
A: @fergie4redskins Gain a core fan base that believes in you and give back to them regularly.
Q: @MattSerletic Is there any artist/album/song that you think that inspired the sound of the album?
A: @naama_291 DC was always talking about a bit of a concept for the album. Circadian brought it to life.
Q: @MattSerletic how you do determine how MANY songs go on a CD?
A: @musical_eagle Really whatever feels right. Don't really know until u sequence the album. always try to cut more than u need to pick best.
Q: @MattSerletic What would you say is an average amount of time to create an album? It seems this was unusually extended.
A: @rapriverlady 3 months. TLM took longer in some ways because Dave wrote so many songs for it.
Q: @mattserletic Hi Matt, beyond Last Goodbye, which songs do you think would make good singles from David's album? (Do you have a favorite?)
A: @Sassycatz What do u think? Fade into me next?
Q: @MattSerletic On 1 of BTS vids from @thedavidcook's album, there's a snip of Neal Tiemann playing guitar w a quarter. Was that used on TLM?
A: @Dammit_David Sure, I think on the 2nd verse of Circadian. Gets a heavy sound.
Q: @MattSerletic And if playing w quarter was used, on which song, and where on it?
A: @Dammit_David 2nd verse circadian.
Q: @MattSerletic What surprised you or impressed you the most about working with David Cook?
A: @DC_song His voice. It's killer.
Q: @MattSerletic What happened with "Sunlight"?
A: @tigervixxxen U always have one that could but doesn't make it onto the album. that was that one.
Q: @MattSerletic Whose idea was it to use the toy piano and glockenspiel on Circadian? (Very cool effect, BTW)
A: @Dammit_David Thanks. Mine. I was looking for an instrument to play that evoked innocence. Nothing like a baby grand toy piano for that!
Q: @MattSerletic Was there one song on This Loud Morning that was just really fun to produce?
A: @Lizann49 All of them, but the bookends of Circadian & REM were really fun.
Q: @MattSerletic Why was it decided to only track a limited number of songs? Is there an advantage to doing it that way?
A: @tigervixxxen A producer has to spend money wisely, so always needs to have a plan to get the best material asap.
Q: @MattSerletic Have you EVER heard a rock tenor with a darker, richer tone? Most unusual for one with high Cs!
A: @magicalbeck Huge voice.
Q: @MattSerletic 1st of all I love "this loud morning" you did a fantastic job but I was wondering why his band didn't play on all the songs
A: @irish_idealist Band is a great band. They did most of the work, but on some songs, we wanted to change up the vibe
Q: @MattSerletic How did you and DC decide to album together. Congratulations by the way, outstanding work
A: @jennylantsin His A&R guy David Wolter introduced us. We hit it off. Thanks!
Q: @MattSerletic How did the approach on The Last Goodbye change from the one taken initially?
A: @Dammit_David Just kept tweaking the arrangement to get it right for Dave and myself.
Q: @MattSerletic When Dave was writing in London and Stockholm where those lyrics included in what Songs? … … … I just looked up from furiously typing away and an hr has gone by. It looks like im about 500? behind trying to catch up but have to go soon.
A: @kimmiechick Have to ask Dave, i can't remember which songs were written over there.
Q: @MattSerletic What does a good producer adds to a record production? Can an artist reach the point that they no longer need a producer?
A: @3ambarbie A producer is like a director for a film, helping to frame the story and get great performances. Artists can sometimes do that.
Q: @MattSerletic Was this Choir an actual Childrens Choir that came into the Studio and you had to record them?
A: @kimmiechick Yes! Very fun. Kids were great.
Q: @MattSerletic Do you think that if David had never gone on Am Idol that he still would have been "discovered" eventually?
A: @DC_song His voice is certainly compelling enough. . .
Q: @MattSerletic Do you think todays technology is a curse or blessing for the music industry?
A: @LAinCT Mainly a blessing. Even JS Bach hated the new fangled thing called a piano and preferred a harpsichord. Gotta roll with the changes.
Q: @MattSerletic David said there was a Choir from Germany or something like that? Can you name them?
A: @SareenaPearce We had an orchestra from Germany on Time Marches,an orch from Eastern Europe on Fade into,& choirs on Circadian & REM. Whew! … OK guys. Back 2 work. . .Thank you for all the great ?'s and kind words. Hope I haven't wrecked ur twitter feed. Should we do this again?
Q: @MattSerletic I remember seeing a guitar being played with scissors. Was that actually recorded? And if so, what song?
A: @Dragondaisy It did happen, we used it, and I can't remember which song. If i recall, I'll let u know.