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ただし、それにはウェブ戦略 VS アイドル戦略 VS PR部署のTV上での戦略など、色々な部分からの戦略案と対比させ、その中のベストなもの(DCの認証も不可欠)を採用する形になるので最終的にどうなるか不透明。

ただし、現在そのための準備段階で、テクニカル的な部分、ビジネスをする上でのしがらみというか、駆け引きの部分(具体例:A ストアは、DCOやBストアでのメリットが明らかに多すぎるので、DCのPRサイドが望むプッシュ・サポートをDCシングルにおいて拒否ったりするような問題が出るのを防ぐ)を調整している最中だから絶対ではない。


4月4日16:37エントリー とりあえずこれが最近のEDさんエントリーでは最後。


・今のラジオトレンド(POP主体)から、別のジャンル主体(たとえばロック)のトレンドを変えるのは、時には何年という長い期間がかかる。 大衆という単位で物を動かすのは一夜にして達成できなない。稀に「革命」が起こるのは否定しないけれど、それは"Smells Like Teen Spirit"レベル。


・US外のリリース日は不明。ただし、DCOストアーでは全ての曲が購入出来るようにする(まだリストにはいっていない国もあるけれど。・・・ まあね。日本とかね(;´Д`) うぅっ。。 )。






- Yes, I am currently working to clear usage of the new single lyrics for that express purpose: adding them to the YouTube audio stream we'll set up ahead of the eventual full-on video. Wish me luck with the lawyers!

- 4/19 is when the single will be available on iTunes and other digi providers, as well as serviced to radio. I would personally like to get it up here (or on AOL or some such site) sooner, but I'm arguing for my web strategies vs. FOX's AI strategy, my PR dept.'s TV strategy, etc. This is the "fun" part I alluded to earlier, where we each of us specialists (don't laugh) bring our best ideas to the table, fight for supremacy with our best data and supporting evidence, and ultimately choose the best course of action with DC's approval.

- The new site will definitely have Twitter amongst its share links.

- Radio stations determine their audience's tastes based on song requests, call-out research, and other studies other they may conduct. They too are hardly shooting in the dark, but reflecting their audience. We record labels bring them great songs (or what we think are great songs) and attempt to sway them to give them a shot, then give them daily statistics in a bid to increase their spins, but if the station begins getting negative feedback from their own research, they'll turn away and focus on other, better performing songs. In turn, if a song performs so well as to begin a new stylistic trend, that may lead ot more songs being recorded in a similar fashion, and, over time, an entire format can be steered in a certain direction for a period of time. e.g. the current pop music dominance at Top 40.

4月1日 13:54

Jai: Yes, they look out for spamming and geo-non-specific requesting like hawks, which is why we ask our artist fan bases not to pull any stunts because if a radio station or another decides the label is at all responsible for encouraging such behavior,they will DROP the record and take whatever measures they deem necessary against the artist. Just HOW each and every individual radio station and/or DJ they have on staff handles this is not for me to expound upon (nor do I know each one's particular philosophy, impossible) because they each have their own processes.

SpeedyHotPantz (looove the handle): My intention is to deliver a free download of the new single automatically on the 19th to everyone who's already pre-ordered the album, and offer it (along with "DYFAM") to everyone who subsequently pre-orders it as well. This makes the utmost sense, obviously, but please don't hold me to it yet because I'm currently working through the process, sorting out both technical and potential political issues - e.g. another digital store may refuse to support a single at an A level instead of a B level if they feel another store - including DCO's - is getting too big an advantage over them. This is but one example of the political decisions we are constantly faced with while attempting to maximize an artist's exposure/success.


- Coolshades: The final track list for the record has not been totally confirmed, to my knowledge, but is probably close. I'll post it to DCO as soon as that's the case.

- Since the track-listing is still not finalized, I've also not yet had a chance to look through the credits to see how many if any involved band co-writes, sorry. I could just walk down the hall and nose around, but not appropriate, and it may change anyway.

- Kyrie: that's essentially what I'm saying, but for an entire radio format spanning hundreds of stations to "evolve" away from one trend (say, pop overkill) to another (rock and roll rebirth) would be a LONG-TERM process, taking many months or even a few years. These shifts in consumer behavior occur slowly when it's on a mass scale, and overnight revolutions don't happen very often...for that, you'd be looking at a "Smells Like Teen Spirit"-sized revolution.

- Serenity65: Stations have different rotation levels that they move songs in and out of depending on call-out research, market trends, regional sales numbers, and our own radio promo department's ability to torment, I mean persuade them into doing so. The songs you hear up to 7 or 10 times a day, to the point of nausea, usually fall into what's called Power Rotation, and we'd like nothing more than to get David's new single into that category on as many stations as possible. Smiling

- Perception sometimes means almost as much as sound when it comes to radio programming, and stations have to appeal to their core audience - the ones lighting up their request lines, attending the concerts they promote, and buying the products they advertise. The Modern Rock, Active Rock, and Heritage Rock formats lean predominantly male, so you're talking Foo Fighters and Soundgarden for one, Buckcherry and Slipknot for another, Metallica and Led Zeppelin for the other. Solo rockers not named Bruce Springsteen or Tom Petty simply don't get much air time. What's more, the listening base for all of these rock formats combined doesn't amount to the audience reached by Top 40 radio, or even Hot AC (I'd have to check on the latter, so don't quote me). So not only is it harder to break through listener prejudices at different formats, sales spurred on by the rock formats can be too modest to justify the expenditure, whereas, if you successfully beat the odds at Top 40, album and single sales are usually huge.

- Jersey-Girl2: there's no simple definition to what's deemed a "successful" release. Even an album that loses money can be deemed successful if it becomes a stepping stone in an artist's career, on his/her way to a blockbuster seller. Likewise, a record can sell twice as many copies as another and yet cost twice as much to market and promote to that threshold, so it's really impossible to break the "success" question down in simple terms.

- Flower-Lady: David can play whatever songs he wishes in concert. In fact, the only pressure we'd ever put on him in this regard is asking that he perform the current single on the TV shows he performs on, although not even this is an iron-clad rule: if the artist feels strongly enough about singing a different song in this TV show or another, we can't (and won't) force him not to. Now, as for songs that get left off the album (so called out-takes), if these are deemed of a high enough recording standard by David and our A&R team, they will find their way into the deluxe edition and our DCO store. If not, you'll have to wait for the career-spanning box set in 20 years, or find the bootlegs online.

- Sareena: I don't have the ex-U.S. release info yet, but we will make all songs available here on the DCO store (which caters to most, but not every country - we're working on it) in tandem with their U.S. release dates.

- dcclovermd: I was as surprised as you guys over the site user counter's latest vanishing act, even though I've been sort of ambivalent about it for a while, since the numbers are WRONG. So I have to drop a note to my dev team about this, just haven't gotten around to it yet.

- angelangiekc: the Fan Photo section will live on and be revamped - don't you fret. We'll have to maintain some file-size restraints and probably limit the number you can upload to stop a free-for-all, though - but only because we can't tax the server so much that the site is too expensive to maintain. If we did, another popular feature like the PM function, for example, might have to be sacrificed, and we definitely don't want that. Flickr would probably demand a license fee for us to use them in that manner, but we'll keep looking for ways to improve the photo-sharing experience here on DCO.

- That's right, 19 handles David's merch rights, not RCA, but I'll be happy to share your opinions and ideas with them so they are aware of your preferences. I'm sure they'll do what they can to accommodate what the fans want.

- Kitunen: figuring out where and how the new album will be streamed ahead of street date is actually one of the bigger items in any given online marketing plan I create. So I'll be discussing our options with David and 19 and my own colleagues all the way through to a few weeks before release, in a bid to maximize promotion, or reach the core fan base, or both. In the Foos' case, the band felt very strongly about premiering the album on their own site, rather than partnering up with different 3rd parties all over the world (yes, territorial considerations do come into play, not just U.S. online powerhouses). And when the album leaked on Friday, we all decided to move quickly and launch the stream 4 days early in order to minimize the damage, attract fans to come listen to a high quality preview on FF.com rather than leave them to search the file sharing networks for crap replicas.

Actually, I've been working on the Foos', Strokes, and Avril albums (plus the Lambert DVD) over the past 5 weeks, so I'm looking forward to collecting my breath ahead of David's album, which looks to be next on my release slate...although the press release ain't quite ready to roll yet, so hang in there that confirmed street date, coming soon. Eye-wink

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