DC、アンディ、ニール出演時の“If I Can Dream”のエピソードは3月30日だそうです。
If I Can Dream・・・Q&Aのツイッター補足がShirley Halperinさんからあるので、ここで紹介しちゃいます。
・"If I Can Dream"はどうだったか、という質問に対して、クッキーが感心なお答えを披露しているのですが、「いいね」、と言うのは普通ですが、そのあとに、「Fuller氏の他のやってきたこととかをいくつか見たけど、それの集大成みたいな感じ」、「チェックしてみる価値があるよ」、とか言っちゃって。
・ランニングのときに聞いてる曲:Jummy Eat World,Mae。
ランニングしてるときに、自分の曲が流れたりすると、妙だそうで(笑) はははは
・NYでアップしてくれたブログで聞こえた曲は、“Right Here With You”。
上の概要の残りと、もとのShirley Halperinさんが書いた英文は、折込の中ですので、どうぞ!
・新しいアルバムにむけて、自分だけで、またはThe Anthemicと曲はつくってるのか?という問いには、先生とアンディとはちょっと曲をかいててこれから、もう少し書くそうです。毎日ライティングセッションをやっているから、
家に帰ってきたときは、「曲をかく」っていうことは一番やりたくないこと。なので自分一人ではほとんど曲は書いてない。 ぶーぶーぶー(◎`ε´◎ )ブゥーー! もう、部屋に1週間とじこめちゃえよ。1週間島流しとかさー・・・ DC一人の曲、期待してんだけどなー。
・アイドルパフォについては、関わってくれた人がみんな頑張ってくれたことにお礼をいいながらも、Nealが特に、ってことで、Neal対してGood Jobってことで。JJFはNealメインのアレンジと思ってよさげです。
・帰る間際にまだ居たがる(マジすか)ニールに、「明日、6時半?7時半?に起きないといけないだから」と言って帰るように促すクッキー。そして先生ったら「しるかよ!」と言ったらしい。 ヤーン、ポコ頑張れ!
David, how do you like the “If I Can Dream" house?
I like it. I mean, the house is incredible. As far as the whole project, it's really interesting. It’s intriguing. I see a little bit of other projects that Fuller’s done before, and it's all kind of put together. It's something worth checking out for sure.
How often do you run in a week, and what music do you listen to while running?
I run three times a week, and I listen to a lot of Jimmy Eat World and a lot of Mae when I’m running.
Can you tell me the name of the song from the NYC Vlog so that I can watch for it in the future?
The song from the NYC Vlog is called “Right Here With You,” so keep an eye on it.
Do you have your own music on your iPod?
I do, so it’s always weird when I’m running and it turns up. I don’t normally listen to it, I keep it there for cataloging purposes.
Who’s your favorite contestant on "Idol" this year?
Man, that’s tough. I don’t know that I have one yet, and that’s for two reasons. One, it’s still really early. Two: I have a problem with picking a favorite and verbalizing it, only because I remember being on the show, and people would announce who their favorite was, so I’m not gonna do that. Sorry.
David, have you done much writing on the upcoming album on your own? And with the Anthemic?
I’ve written a little bit with Neal and Andy, and I'm gonna write some more with them and the other guys as well. It’s tough; I have sessions almost every day, so the last thing I wanna do when I come home from writing is [to] start writing, so I haven’t written much on my own.
What’s your favorite part of the artistic process -- writing, recording or performing?
My favorite part of the artistic process is performing, and I didn’t realize that until recently. I love writing and I love recording, but it’s tedious and I haven’t shot any movies, but I equate it to that.
What do you think about all the overwhelming praise for y’all's ["American Idol"] performance last night?
We don’t listen to it at all. [laughs] No, it’s really cool. You know what? I get to watch how much work everybody puts into that three to four minute performance, so to have it go over well is really cool. I know Neal, especially, put a lot of work into that song, so. Good job, Neal.
David, what music/artist inspired you the most in your music?
I’d say overall probably my dad, I don’t think he’s a band or an artist. Well, maybe he’s an artist, but I grew up watching my dad play guitar.
Will the band name be on the new album?
I don’t know. I hope so. But if not, that is in no way a discredit to how much work they’ve put in on this record.... That was very diplomatic of me, wasn’t it?
David, what kind of advice would you like to offer Justin about the music business?
I don’t know that I can offer Justin any advice. I’m pretty new at it myself. So keep on keeping on. That’s the worst advice I could have possibly given you… [laughs]
So glad the songbook came out, but will your publisher have pity on keyboardists and put out a piano version any time soon?
I don’t know that that’s going to happen but I’m loving you brought that up, because there is a lyrical discrepancy in the book. It’s not “half-baked” it’s “half-faith” [in the song "A Daily Anthem"].
Most memorable city on the last tour?
Mine was
What was with the Manatee towel thingie you guys had on stage during your “Jumping Jack Flash” performance?
There’s a member of the crew at "Idol" named Spencer, and when the montage videos would play every week introducing the contestant, we would have about a minute to get set up, stand there and get ready to perform, and Spencer would always come on stage and talk to me about manatees to take my mind off the fact that I was getting ready to perform in front of 30 million people. He gave me that towel as a welcome back to "Idol" gift and I decided to put it on my amp.
How old were you when you had your first kiss?
I don’t remember. I was young. Younger, I guess. I remember it was outside of a Pizza Hut.
David, will you be trying Chat Roulette again any time soon?
Absolutely not! Under no certain circumstances... Chat Roulette is this website that's like rapid fire video chat and every so often it changes or you can change it or something. Well, none of us had ever done it before and we were rehearsing for "American Idol" and were like, "Let’s do it!" So we turn it on, and we set the computer up so they can see us rehearsing and... it’s literally, it’s like 75 to 80% guys, showing their junk. And this one guy goes, “My ... could play better than you guys.”
Do you keep a journal, David?
I do not. I live my Journal. I twitter my journal.
-- Shirley Halperin
Shirley Halperinさんの記事の原文英文をコピペ
“Right Here With You”か!ほほう。この曲を1曲まるまる聴けるのが楽しみ。
Laying Me Low
アルバムリリース 6/28
This Loud Morning
I'm nuts about David Cook and The Anthemic!
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